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Our website is dedicated to revealing the hidden truths about the Israeli military forces (IDF) and their actions. https://idfleaks.info/

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TED believes passionately that ideas have the power to change attitudes, lives, and ultimately, the world. I appreciate your presence🌹 📞our communicating way🔰🔰🔰 @ted_admin

We provide paid content of Scoopwhoop Unscripted and Newslaundry, free of cost. 📌Backup: https://t.me/joinchat/wd-kKqcR4CYxMGI1

Former investigative journalist. I fight child trafficking and write a lot about that. “Do not participate in the hidden works of darkness. Expose them.” (Eph.5:11) How long will we allow...

The latest news from the Kurash’s World and the World’s Kurash!

Health Freedom Idaho is a concerned group of citizens dedicated to preserving parental rights and defending natural rights and protecting our access to toxin-free living in the great state of...

This is in and out of Aburi Girls’. You’ll enjoy being here. Send suggestions. For anything, items for publishing or any other send to @aburigirlsEb_bot @abugissbot. Join us Channel strictly...

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