
your place to learn English, hopefully you like and enthusiastic about learning 🌍🔭 our bot:@KejusEnglish_bot

English and IELTS courses in MUBORAK Telegram channel : @muborak_ielts

Official Oxford Word of the day channel 📘 Oxford Dictionary introduces one essential word to know every day. Recommended: 🔷 @GrammarReview 🔘 @IELTS_org 🎥 @VideoEnglish ☑️ @EnglishWord ☑️ @BLearningEnglish ⏱️...

📊 Daily English Quizzes 📚 IELTS materials 😎 Brush up Your English with us Advertising | @AlifReklamaUz Here are some useful tags: #IELTSprep #DailyReading #dailyvideos 👉 @Educational_light

This channel is for those who want to listen to everything in English. To address , contact @tuit3002

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Hello guys, Everybody loves it when things are in proper order, so we have come up with a dedicated Channel and Group to provide you the pdfs and links of...

Hey guys join our new ‘Telegram’ channel for pdf, quiz, free English classes and previous years’ papers.😊 2.0✌️✌️