Motivational life Quotes


Best and most famous quotes in Telegram , from famous authors, movies and people. ⭐️

Behold the fanatic girl’s poems, quotes and rants … they may get cheesy and sometimes depressing. You’ve been warned. check...

Join @Quote_mania for ⏬ Quotes from famous authors, movies and people which bring inspiration, personal growth, love and motivation ➡️...

Hey wattpaders! 📚 if you are a writer join – @wattywriters 📚 Send us your writing on – @wattyquotesBot 📚...

🍂 Autumn is more the season of the soul, than of nature. Life starts all over again when it gets...

A channel dedicated to finding inspiration, motivation, building energy, touching every aspect of our lives. Join and you won’t regret...

A channel for sharing the works of the great philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Most quotes from my own reading of published...

Welcome All ❤️ 0% Quality Loss✨ Daily VIDEOS💯 Owner: @Melwinoffl Cross promo Admin : @Melmediaadmin Back up channel @melmediaworks1 4K...

“The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.” I...

📚Heaven for logophiles( word- lovers) ✔️Educational , Inspirational , Thought- Provoking ✔️Deep Quotes and writings ✔️Investing in oneself 👉🏻 To...