“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we must trust in the name of the Lord our God. They collapse and fall, but we rise and stand upright.”...
Examine ideas that impact our economy and financial system on the basis of values and ethical principles. Our links: https://www.islamicfinancepodcast.com/links
Learn to Read and Understand the Qur’an Today…. Contact admin via: @QuranSchoolbot
Authentic reminders on marriage upon Qur’an and Sunnah.❤️
DISCLAIMER – this channel posts reminders from Quran and Sunnah books, and is not affiliated with any fighting groups in Syria. We do not promote any acts of violence and...
Christian e books ,join and get deep access to books on Christian books embassy groups, this books builds the shaky once Christians,it impact, life’s change lifes
Spreading the salafi dawah – Qur’an and Sunnah upon the understanding of the salaf. Also join @salafimakthaba @dawatusalafiyyahurdu
Christian Aryanism is true Christianity, showing Christianity is a faith of Aryan racial purity; a successor to Positive Christianity. Backup: @OWLM_Portal
His grace shall pass generations to come and his love is eternal& u shall find old and new gospel worship songs with bible verses and prayer.
We are a group of Muslims based in USA. We are dedicated to educating you about Islam, giving you a chance to hear about Islam from practicing Muslims. AskAMuslim’s aim...
We bring to you messages and updates from Remnant Christian Network in Anambra state, Nigeria.
Catholic Readings, Teachings, Music and News Admin: http://t.me/MyCachaBot
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