Daily English grammar tips and useful vocabulary lists. Learn, read, test your skills and just have fun 🧠🧐😜
A collection of podcasts from BBC 6 Minute English. Podcasts are published every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 🎧 Podcasts bot: @six_mins_bot 🇬🇧 English bot: @cambridge_dic_bot 🇷🇺 Russian bot: @dictionary_ru_bot 🦕...
Daily news/events on ELT (English Language Teaching) The channel belongs to ELTacademia.com Pls Share Ur thoughts via @languageties Ads: @languageTies
Learn British English like Luke Tompson
In our channel you can find👇 🎥 Short movies+Cartoons with subtitles 📻 Audio stories 📖 Stories with subtitles 🗃 Worksheets 📼 Video lessons 😎Admin: @SHS1979
🌈Good day, my dears!!! The channel is created to provide an easier access to the learning materials for students learning English or preparing for IELTS and CEFR Admins: @Lady_Boss_087 @Zandie_Watson
We are starting from scratch. A new journey to learn English easily. This channel is created to allow English language students to learn something new at all times. Everyday we...
The channel is to improve your English. If you have any suggestion or question, leave it in the comments.📖📚 The group of the channel.👥 https://t.me/joinchat/UO8b6gIJwrCmhBJI The link of the channel📝...
Practice English with different people of different levels. Here you can find online talks via Discord with native speakers. Contact: @VodilaFireFox
Журналы на английском языке Реклама @roof_talks Канал с испанскими книгами @espanolconamigos
🪙 IELTS Tips 🎶 Listening Podcasts 📖 Reading Passages 📝 Writing & 🗣 Speaking Samples 💯 run by Temurbek (IELTS 8.0) (sources are mentioned)
🦉 There’s a NINER within YOU ✒️Beyond plagiarism ⚜️ Writing Tips 7+ ⚜️ Speaking Vocabulary 8+ ⚜️ Reading & Listening hints +9 19.03.19 Kitob Chiqarish @ieltsprint 📚 Super bot @ielts8bot...
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