Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸


When things go wrong, don’t go with them.

Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.

45th President of the United States of America 🇺🇸 For all questions: @GovInfoBot

U.S. Veteran 🇺🇸 The oath I took does not expire.

Leonid Volkov on Politics&Internet

Never shall the sons of Columbia be slaves, while the earth bears a plant, or the sea rolls its waves....

The Home for the Lumberjack Logic political podcast. We talk about conservatism, freedom, and connect patriots around the globe.

Well, here you can find PDFs, ebooks, archives and important summaries. My personal Goal is to Try help people in...

🇭🇲 Living the bogan dream and fighting the good fight. follow me on 🍺🇭🇲👍🍻 DUSTYBOGAN.COM

Chairwoman—AZGOP 🇺🇸🐘🌵 Mom, Military Wife, Family Physician Former AZ State Senator #AmericaFirst #ProLife #ProFamily #ProFreedom #AmericasAudit