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Strong Women Quotes Need Inspiration ?? 3 Simple Tricks 1. Create a Positive Environment 2. Celebrate Your Small Wins 3. Surround Yourself With Motivated People For more; Follow us !...

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Welcome to my little station! 🌝 -Quotes -Books -Thoughts What is your life about, anyway? – Nothing but a struggle to be someone, Nothing but a running from your own...

This channel is set out to be a way of expressing some “Nocturnal ” thoughts!! send your thoughts @Nocturnalsocietybot

Behold the fanatic girl’s poems, quotes and rants … they may get cheesy and sometimes depressing. You’ve been warned. check out @Inscriptionsbywrittentears @Void433

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✿Do you Believe you are living a Life You Deserve … if not the power to change that is on your Hand , Just Go chase what Belongs to You•••....