Regular tips about Python and programming in general — @pushtaev — — © CC BY-SA 4.0
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📝 Articles 🗞 News 👓 Tutorials 🤔 UI/UX thoughts on front end💡 mobile📱 and web dev 🖥 Ads: @artyr625 all payments through @masant1 Admin: @masant1
This Telegram channel is dedicated to those who love Techs & free browsing cheats! Do you want to know the latest trend in gadgets such as: Phones, laptops, cameras, anything...
Useful articles about Data Science, Machine Learning, Data Engineering and not only. A selection of material for learning is here
Programmers solve problems using code, a Hacker is a creator/tinkerer, and a Developer is a formally trained programmer who doesn’t just solve problems but does so in a structured and...
StarDevs provide you a huge variety of bots and source codes usually written in Python and Go.
Mainly links to interesting tech-related resources. For nerds who like Linux, programming, computers, vim, command line, and stuff like that.
This is a channel that will help you improve and kick-start your programming career @helpprograming
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